The rental solution is much more flexible than the purchase , it allows the company to maintain its debt capacity, to have a budgeting simplified, and especially to gain flexibility with the option of exchange: it is possible to change all or part of the installation every year".
/ Renting - Leasing - Hardware /
/ Renting - Leasing - Hardware /

Écran LED outdoor
Ces écrans LED mobiles et extérieur ont été conçus pour une haute visibilité et des transports fréquents, ce qui les rend adaptés à un large éventail d’entreprises et d’événements. Ces technologies sont conçues pour résister à des facteurs environnementaux difficiles.
/ cinema - outdoor - sport - Pub/
/ cinema - outdoor - sport - Pub/

Outdoor screen
This technology may provide a greater contrast color for grey weather, and a light intensity that is sufficient in full sun. Finally, the screens of communication allow you to upgrade your brand image and increase the visibility of your business. And can be touch.
/ outdoor screen - industrial - stainless steel screen / ip65, Ip66, IP67
/ outdoor screen - industrial - stainless steel screen / ip65, Ip66, IP67