LCD screen DI100ST2-M
Le LCD intérieur DI100ST2-M dispose d’un système de gestion thermique intelligent unique dans lequel la chaleur générée par l’écran est évacuée des zones à haute température tandis qu’un capteur surveille en permanence la température interne pour protéger le système contre la surchauffe sans l’utilisation de ventilateurs.
Un lecteur multimédia intégré basé sur Android ™ avec WiFi offre aux utilisateurs la liberté de choisir parmi la gamme de diverses solutions Logicielles multimédias sur le marché ou d’utiliser l’application DynaScan DSM365 fournie pour la lecture vidéo locale, la création de listes de lecture et la planification de contenu.
De plus, le DI100ST2-M comprend un emplacement Intel® SDM pour accepter un module Intel® Smart Display (vendu séparément).
Prenant en charge une variété de systèmes d’exploitation x64 modernes, Intel® SDM offre le même niveau d’intelligence et d’interopérabilité que la spécification enfichable ouverte, mais dans un facteur de forme plus petit.
Le DI100ST2-M est compatible avec les facteurs de forme Intel® Small (Intel® SDM–S) et Intel® SDM Large (Intel® SDM–L).

Product highlights
Resolution UHD 4K, thermal management, fanless media player to the Android™ built-in, LED-backlight, calibrated TrueColor™ and brightness of 700 nits.
Calibration TrueColor™
Each display is individually calibrated according to the standard color D65 (6500K) CIE. This not only produces a true, natural white, but also reproduces accurately the colours, the tones and colours of the brand.
Thermal management without fan
By eliminating the fans that reduce the duration of life, the heat generated by the display is evacuated from areas of high temperature, while a sensor continuously monitors the internal temperature to protect the system against overheating by using a thermal management system, advanced without a fan.
Android™ 8.0
A built-in media player based on Android™, with Wi-fi gives users the freedom to choose from the range of various solutions, multimedia software on the market or use of the application DynaScan DSM365 provided for local video playback, creating playlists and content planning.
Ready for Intel® SDM
A location Intel® SDM to accept a module Intel® Smart Display (sold separately). That supports a variety of operating systems, x64-based, modern, Intel® SDM offers the same level of intelligence, and interoperability specification snap open, but in a form factor smaller. Compatible with the form factors Intel® Small (Intel® SDM–S) and Intel® SDM Large (Intel® SDM–L).
Product specifications
- Panel Type LCD 99,5-inch LCD
- Resolution native 3840 x 2160
- Retro- lighting DEL
- Color temperature default D65 (6500k)
- Brightness : 700 nits
- Depth color 10-bit
- Report contrast 3000:1
- Time answer 6,5 ms
- Angle vision (H/V) : 178° / 178°
- Life light 50 000 hours
- Surface panel REAR, 3H
- Power supply : Internal
- Voltage nominal 100 V ~ 240 V, 50 Hz / 60 Hz
- Mode power : 500 W (max)
- Mode d’ energy saving : < 1 W
- Width bezel 20,9 / 20,9 / 22,3 / 22,3 mm
- Color of the wardrobe black
- Dimensions monitor 2251,8 x 1285,1 x 89,3 mm
- Weight monitor 93 kg
- Orientation : Portrait / Landscape
- Mounting VESA 800 x 400 mm
- Handles transport yes
- Design without fan yes
- Language : English
- Support SNMP (up to V3.0): Yes
- Protection against the retention of image Yes
- Light sensor ambient yes
- Planning power on/off : yes
- Temperature sensor internal yes
- Menu Rotation OSD yes
- Location SDM SDM-S (support with the extended card DynaScan) and compatible with SDM-L (MODULE NOT INCLUDED)
- Taken in charge of the power supply : up to 45 W
- HDMI : x2 (2160p)
- DisplayPort : x1
- USB 3.0 : x1
- Location Micro x1
- Audio : x1
- RS -232 : In x1
- RJ -45 : x2 (local area network)
- Operating System: Android 8.0.0
- Storage: Internal: 16GB eMMC Flash External: Support Micro SD , Up to 32GB(exFAT) /128GB(FAT32)
- Multimedia: 4K 10bits VP9/H265/H264 video decoders, up to 60fps 1080P other video decoders (VC-1, MPEG-1/2/4, VP8)
- Wi-Fi Specification: 802.11 b/g/n | 2412.0 MHz – 2462.0 MHz
- Temperature operation : 0°C ~ 40°C
- Temperature storage -20°C ~ 60°C
- Humidity : 10 % ~ 80 % RH non-condensing