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Giant LED screen

– LED screen Advertising indoor

écran géant intérieur

LED screen Advertising

These are the screens large format based on LED technology composed of multiple cabinets can reproduce a static image, or any video format to transparently as if it were a large monitor to a PC.

Installation of LED screen Advertising

Écran Géant LED

LED signs Advertising are typically installed for advertising, in malls, in any area open to the public (nightclubs, restaurants, cinemas, museums, etc) in short, in all the businesses wanting to advertise with a dynamic display.

What is Pitch of a LED screen ?

The pitch control allows you to set the density of the pixels (LED clusters) on an LED display.

The spacing is the amount of space between two pixels, so a spacing smaller means less empty space between pixels.

This means a pixel density higher and a screen resolution higher.

Below you will find a few examples of read distances and distances of mixing as a function of the pitch :

  • 1.25 mm recommended to 1.20 m
  • 2mm Recommended Distance 2.0 m
  • 2.5 mm Recommended Distance of 3 m
  • 4mm Recommended Distance to 3.8 m
  • 6mm Recommended Distance of 5.0 m
  • 8mm Recommended Distance to 6.5 m
  • 10mm Recommended Distance to 8.0 m


How to remotely control an Led screen outside ?

The outdoor led screens must be equipped with a internet connection for the " remote control " .the display is managed by a dedicated software with which it is possible to perform several functions :

display of advertising, public information, live video, display boards, programming schedule ad hoc, ignition and turning the power off, brightness adjustment, etc


The LED panels are generally installed for advertising, window or outdoors.  

In contrast to the totem poles, the giant screens must have a computer on which you install an application that is easy to take in hand for the broadcast media, we will explain to you how it works before or after installation. 

For the installation, YNOVA takes care of everything. 

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What functions a LED screens inside it have ?

What makes LED signs Advertising inside special, is that they are absolutely multi-purpose.

They can be integrated into the furniture store and come in special shapes to meet all the requirements whimsical and creative architects, designers and interior decorators.

With its high brightness and excellent contrast, the giant screens advertising can be seen
in full sun, even when the screen is placed behind a glass window.

Others, however, are specifically designed to be of any size, connect seamlessly and deliver HD and UHD to a large number of passers-by.

Other models are capable of reading the image, but at the same time maintain the transparency, enabling a visualisation of the outside to the inside and vice versa.

The advantage of the giant screens, LED interior today is that they offer excellent views even at short distances, with pixels now less than 1 mm (the same best-selling models are always of 1.9 mm, 2.5 mm) and 3.9 mm mm). mm pixel pitch). In addition, you can't see any connection between the cabinets, so that the huge LED panel interior has a continuous image for a dramatic effect.
